Thursday, December 9, 2010

hurray for me FUK you

You know what i love about the 90's punk rock music scene, other than the fact that looking trashy was fabulous, the riot grrrl and grunge scene was in full force and that the love of my life Kurt Cobain was still alive....was the fact that it meant freedom. one of Kurts famous quotes was 'Punk rock is freedom.' Bands like Nirvana, , Scratch Acid, Butthole Surfers, The Vaselines, Mudhoney, The Pixies and The Melvins were around and they certainly knew how to express themselves.

Originally The Melvins wanted to be a hardcore punk band influenced by Black Flag, The Swans and Flipper they were a mix of punk rock and metal. however their idiosyncratic approach, bizarre sense of humor and taste for music experimentation make categorization difficult. there is so much freedom in their music.

The Melvins were fantastic...They are considered to be the godfathers of grunge music. they had long hair, acid wash jeans, discheveled appearances and rebelious attitudes... they were fucking fabulous long before these things were considered to be!
Once again I lust after an American punk rock band!

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