Thursday, December 9, 2010

hurray for me FUK you

You know what i love about the 90's punk rock music scene, other than the fact that looking trashy was fabulous, the riot grrrl and grunge scene was in full force and that the love of my life Kurt Cobain was still alive....was the fact that it meant freedom. one of Kurts famous quotes was 'Punk rock is freedom.' Bands like Nirvana, , Scratch Acid, Butthole Surfers, The Vaselines, Mudhoney, The Pixies and The Melvins were around and they certainly knew how to express themselves.

Originally The Melvins wanted to be a hardcore punk band influenced by Black Flag, The Swans and Flipper they were a mix of punk rock and metal. however their idiosyncratic approach, bizarre sense of humor and taste for music experimentation make categorization difficult. there is so much freedom in their music.

The Melvins were fantastic...They are considered to be the godfathers of grunge music. they had long hair, acid wash jeans, discheveled appearances and rebelious attitudes... they were fucking fabulous long before these things were considered to be!
Once again I lust after an American punk rock band!

he is it.



if you enjoy walking up and down catwalks, are size 8-10, 170cm or taller and would like to do me a HUGE favour then pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let me know.

i am organising the fashion shows at Zuri (a very classy joint in the heart of fortitude valley) and i want to put together a list of a few babes (guys and girls) who i can use when they are up and running. if you are keen pretty please with sugar and cream comment and leave you email address.

please and thank you

karalee xx

Thursday, November 25, 2010

are you falling asleep?

                                falling apart

Thursday, November 18, 2010

no introduction necessary

sonic youth = one of my fuck off favourites

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Butthole Surfers

The Butthole Surfers were one of Kurt Cobains favourite bands. i like there name... kinda screams youth rebellion doesnt it? This 1980's alternative rock band had a reputation for their appetite for recreational drugs, particularly psychedelics, an evident influence on their sound. this video isnt the best quality but have a look anyway.

punk rock means freedom.

blurred vision.

i have too much that I want to talk about, complain about. Whatever. You know when you were in high school and your English teacher wanted to make you think outside the box… so they give you this subject which has the ability to stem off onto different subjects, which can stem off onto different subjects and make you completely go over your word limit? Well that’s exactly how my brain works. That’s the easiest way I can describe my thinking patterns. so i am sorry if i haven’t blogged in ages but without some sort of straight line direction i find myself writing on tangents and filling pages with the end result being the overuse of the delete button because i know that i will bore you all shitless. dont stress though, my brains still working and as usual has too much to say.

im trying, So bare with me.

Wednesday Adams

Sunday, November 14, 2010


"ripped apart in minutes what was built in seven years
the ink scarred on your back may as well of disappeared
for as long as i remember, you sold everything you owned
but now you sold our friendship, you're on your fucking own."
[Sleep with one eye open by Bring Me The Horizon]

Monday, November 8, 2010


has anyone ever heard of a bolo tie?

well you probably dont know that they are called that but you would have seen them wraped around the necks of the all those babe cowboys in the classic Western movies. these neck ties define the rockabilly scene of the 1980's which is one of the earliest forms of rock and roll music - probably why i wanted a bolo tie so effing badly. they became popular in the 1950's and they are legally the official neckwear of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas (how cool is that!) Bolo ties are my current obsession!!! in fact i spent hours on ebay scrolling through hundreds of them and drooling over each beautifully crafted tie. they are pretty much just braided leather with decorative metal tips which are secured with an ornament. But the look SO cool!! 

well guess what! I GOT ONE!!! and it only cost me $4!!! Thanks to my op shopping addiction, i managed to find one in a Vinnies store in Bundaberg when i was there for a work trip on the weekend. i am soooooo obsessed with it! i think im a cowgirl. (i shall post a photo of my new bolo as soon as i find my phone)

ps im not stopping at just one...

Friday, November 5, 2010


bikini kill.

many of you probably have never heard of bikini kill... so this is me educating you.

bikini kill was formed in Olympia, Washington in the 90’s. The band consisted of four members vocalist Kathleen Hanna, guitarist Billy Karren , bassist Kathi Wilcox, and drummer Tobi Vail. Tobi Vail (the drummer in bikini kill) actually dated Kurt Cobain (and broke his heart!). In fact on the Nevermind album Kurt based most of his song lyrics on the raging grief he felt after she dumped him! On another note Tobi actually wore the deodorant ‘Teen Spirit’ and after Kurt and Tobi slept together one of Tobi’s friends spray painted “Kurt smells like Teen Spirit” on his bedroom walls. [Little bit of Kurt history for you there rock stars]. Anyway im sidetracked…

Now the reason I am blogging about this punk rock girl band is because they were the pioneers of the riot grrrl movement (I am in the process of writing a blog about riot grrrl so you all understand what the fuck im talking about), and were infamous for their radical feminist lyrics and intense live shows. They were famous rebels who rejected mainstream music labels and rock press and their music was characteristically abrasive and hardcore-influenced.

These girls are inspiring! They would come on stage wearing whatever the fuck they felt like! Rocking out in their underwear, writing the word SLUT across every spare bit of skin they had. They had true freedom of expression through their lyrics, their opinions and their style. True grunge punk rock chicks!

Now your assignment is to go on youtube and look up one of their live performances and i know you probably wont like their music but you WILL appreciate what these girls did for women in rock and roll. Bikini kill are the female stand outs of the grunge scene of the 90's <3

Thursday, November 4, 2010

deer me.

ok so i recently got another tattoo and am already thinking of my next... am i addicted? fuck probably... like i said i have an addictive personality.

so anyway - i have been obsessed with elk or deer antlers for forever and always wondered how i could position a tattoo of an antler on me that doesnt get mistaken for a stick...but i couldnt so instead i decided that i want to buy a set of real ones.

they are ridiculously hard to come buy and when you do they are so expensive and probably dont ship to Australia which is upsetting. but im determined! oh and just so you all are aware i would never ever purchase animal products which caused harmed to an animal - you can actually buy antlers that come off naturally (THANK GOD) Cause i want some soooooooo bad!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

i like words that dont make sense

i wish mum would let me carve words into my walls. i want to be surrounded by the english.

Picture from The Breakfast Club

Sunday, October 31, 2010


'I am grateful for the blue collar worker whose existence allows artists to not have to work at menial jobs.'
Ben Briand is an Australian film director, known mostly for his work in films and commercials. Briand has recently created a trilogy of three short films that you MUST see. APRICOT is a delicately crafted visual experience, that actually left me in tears after only 10 minutes and 39seconds. It is beyond beautiful, and more real than any other short film I have every witnessed. I had to share his creation with you!

Ben Briand’s work is astonishing. There is texture in his work that I have not seen in any film. He possesses the ability to create pictures that are visually remarkable, yet he avoids illusion and instead nurtures unparalleled emotion from the viewers through honest and simple characters. Braind’s work largely explores his two favourite themes of memory and identity.
Briand also does a lot of commercials and still images which will amaze you as well! The raw, vintage beauty of his photos will leave you inspired and wanting more. I also recommend checking out his work for the Lover, Autumn Winter 2007 collection[ ] this too blew me away. The colours, the models, the clothing, the music, the props is just perfect. His commercial work is never a pressured marketing stunt but rather captures the audience with its beauty and uniqueness.

If you fall in love with his art like I did and want more, you should see his other two recently developed short films back 'Castor & Pollux' and ' Some Static Started' and check out his website too – it will soon be added to your favourites list I assure you!

Friday, October 29, 2010

the breakfast club

"Dear Mr. Vernon,

We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us. In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.
Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours,
the Breakfast Club."
[extract from the film The Breakfast Club]

The Breakfast Club

Im so glad my best friend is a VIP at her local blockbuster and MADE me watch this! I credit her for my love affair with this 1980's film. I am a sucker for films involving youth rebellion, the 'awkward' years and the  standard teenage search for identity (mostly because i can relate). But this movie is in a field of its own. It involves five entirely different high school stereotypes who are locked in detention together. They start of divided but end up discovering that they are a lot more alike then they ever could have imagined. 
Each character has their own style, the way they dress and the effort they put into their appearance all reflect who they are, their personalities and their social status. Theres the athlete, the nerd, the 'weirdo' who wears unflattering dark coloured clothes with the intent of hiding her body, the princess in designer clothes that accentuate her tiny frame and the grunge (or seattle scene) criminal who wears the cheapest mismatched clothes that have holes everywhere because he is too lazy (or too broke) to buy new ones! (pretty much sounds like my wardrobe)
Its amazing how 
Judd Nelson as 'Bender'
an outfit can completely define each character and sets them apart in social situations.
There is a mix of humor and brutal honesty in this film, i definately recommend you make your parents watch this too because it will give them an insight into our adolescence. I also adore Judd Nelson, who plays Bender, in this film because he plays the eratic, defiant and unconventional criminal. And if you knew me any human with the power to stand up to authority and uncover truths through confrontation tend to fascinate me. He is that friend who manages to tap away at your insecurities and brings them to the surface forcing you to deal with them then and there. He is strangely beautiful!

PLEASE watch this movie!! Its amazing, and a classic


“…And these children
that you spit on
as they change their worlds
they're immune to your consultations
They’re quite aware
of what they’re going through…”

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

copy cat.

Here I am inspired to write simply because I am pissed off.
I have seen so many people claiming to be fashion addicts, investing in the most expensive, most current and most elaborate pieces of crap to wear on their bone thin bodies who cannot deal with someone else being as up to date as they are. I BOUGHT THIS BAG FIRST, who gives a shit. You know who had them first? The fucking designers! If you are the one who thought of the idea first, if you slaved over the sewing machine until your masterpiece was complete and you wish go to the extent of copyrighting it, fair enough. but in reality most, if not all the things you purchase aren’t original, they are duplicates of something that someone you have never met designed for people to wear. KEY WORD: People (i.e. NOT JUST YOU) If you truly believe in and love fashion and the fashion industry then you would thrive on someone else purchasing the same things as you because 1. It helps support the designer (who you obviously want to succeed long enough to find out whether their next collection is better than their last) and 2. It is a sign of admiration if someone ‘copies’ your style. dont be a fashion hog, people wont like you and i imagine it would get pretty lonely for you on top of the pedestal you've created for yourself.

wow breathe karalee....

a mask MUST be warn

karalee reed.
i found this and couldnt think of anything better to define me - i wish i married Kurt Cobain

  • i am threatened by ridicule
  • i am overly concience of the sincerity in my voice
  • i like to have sex with people
  • i love my parents yet i disagree with merely everything they stand for
  • i understand and appreciate the value of religion for others
  • my emotions are affected by music
  • punk rock means freedom
  • i use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own
[extract from Kurt Cobain journals]

Trent Mitchell photography
MUA - Ness Falzon
Model - Karalee Wisse

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Believe me my writing isnt always going to be happy or about my favourite model and how she wears her hair differently this week. Ill stray from one subject to the next, from fashion to psychology, from art to addictions. i dont make sense and i dont try too. but hopefully you enjoy what i have to say.